
Here you can read about the opinion of colleagues who have tried out the materials.


I've used TA Grammar tasks with my students of Master level as part of a speaking course. Even Master level students have some problems with sentence structures and we tried the TA grammar framework. These materials blended seamlessly into our course as they are communicatively-oriented rather than a list of rules and exercises (which is always boring).
Students were involved into the creative process of inventing their own rules and models, then tested and checked them. Such work is more motivating, as students can see how their models work in real-life speech. I also liked that they analyzed and discussed the variants they got.
In general, the Thinking Approach allowed my students not only to repeat the structures, but gave them a sharp awareness of structures and as a result better understanding of how to apply them in their own speech.

(Alyona Martynova, Senior Lecturer at Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Higher School of Technology and Heat-Power Energy)

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